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Artificial Intelligence for Students: Home

Introduction to Aritificial Intelligence

This guide is designed to answer questions and provide guidance for students using artificial intelligence applications. Students should defer to in-class policies from individual professors before attempting to use artificial intelligence applications. Class policies may differ significantly on AI usage.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a subfield of computer science that is dedicated to creating machines capable of thinking and learning equivalent to a human. Attempts at building human-level intelligence into computers dates back almost to dawn of computers themselves in the 1940s and 1950s.

AI Do's and Don'ts


  • Write effective, specific prompts.
  • Cite AI if you use it.
  • Keep in mind AI is limited and can provide inaccurate and biased information


  • Use AI without consulting your instructor's classroom policies.
  • Use AI to write a whole paper or as the sole resource to complete an assignment.

Key Terms

Artificial Intelligence (AI):  a subfield of computer science that is dedicated to creating machines capable of thinking and learning equivalent to a human.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI): a type of AI that generates text, images, and replies based on user prompts.

Large Language Model (LLM): a type of machine learning model that is trained on a vast amounts of text to respond and interact using natural language.   


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Jeremy Green
Carroll Community College Library
1601 Washington Rd.
Westminster, MD 21157
Office: L094
Phone: (410) 386-8335