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PTA Orientation

You must format your papers in proper APA style in addition to including proper in-text citations and reference entries. The APA has developed new, simpler student standards for the 7th edition, and I have incorporated those changes into a Microsoft Word template. Please consider using CCC's APA Template for PTA Students when writing your papers, as it contains placeholder text for your title page and is formatted to accommodate proper formatting, font, and spacing (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced, page/section breaks). To use the template:


  • Enter your paper's title in place of the two bolded title placeholders on the first and second page
  • List your authors in alphabetical order, using standard first name, middle initial, last name formatting
  • Enter in your course code and title, instructor(s) name(s), and assignment due date on the title page
  • Delete the instructions on page 2 and type your paper as you normally would.
  • When your paper is finished, start a new page and place the bolded word References at the top. Include your APA citations as usual in alphabetical order.


Do not copy and paste content directly from other sources into a Word document, as this can negatively affect your paper formatting. Instead, you should right-click where you want to paste your text, find the heading for Paste Options, and select the option Keep Text Only (the icon in Word 2016). This will paste your text with the same formatting you are currently using in your Microsoft Word document.


It is also recommended that you have a list of common keyboard shortcuts and special characters readily available.