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Citation Check Policy

Did you know that librarians will check your citations? Stop by the library anytime we're open (library hours) and we'll check your APA or MLA citations.

We can also check your citations virtually! Email your paper to us at You should get a response within 24 hours, sometimes a little longer if you sent it over the weekend.

Our APA and MLA handouts have sample citations for all kinds of sources:

We can only check each assignment one time, so send us your best effort. Here's a quick overview of our citation-check rules:

green check mark indicating "do"


red X indicating "don't"


  • Send your paper as a Microsoft Word attachment
  • Send us your final draft
  • Check the APA/MLA style guides for sample citations
  • Use the style guides to correct auto-generated citations from databases or the web
  • Use NoodleBib to create & organize your citations
  • Don't send a link to your paper - we can't open those!
  • Don't submit a paper that is just a list of links
  • Don't send auto-generated citations without checking them yourself first
  • Don't panic - if you're stuck, we can help!


Citing & Evaluating Resources

CCC Documents

External links

Need help citing sources?  Librarians are citation specialists.

Call the Reference Desk at 410-386-8340 or email

If you do not give proper credit to the sources of the ideas and quotations of others in your work, you are plagiarizing the information.

Choosing quality sources is an important part of research.  Use the handout and tutorial below to help you:

  • Select the best source/s for your information need and
  • Decide whether or not a source is reputable and provides accurate information that you can rely on for your project. 

Remember that your final product will only be as good as the sources you use.  Choose carefully!

Academic Honesty Pledge

According to the Carroll Community College Catalog, students are required to follow the standards of the Code of Integrity and Academic Honesty.

"Academic honesty means using one's own thoughts and materials in writing papers, . . .  (and) also includes the proper citation of sources of information.  Students are expected to give full credit for the borrowed words and ideas of others."

Instructors will ask students to sign the following pledge regarding the originality of their work:

"I pledge that this work is entirely my own and I have neither given nor received any unauthorized help in its completion"