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English 101 (College Writing) Research Guide: K. Dine' Mongold assignments

Recommended databases

Pro/con databases

These databases link to articles, news reports, viewpoints, and statistics on a variety of current issues from a several contrasting viewpoints.

Find ideas

Need an idea for a controversial topic to write about? Each of these links leads to a list of different social and cultural issues and some background info about them.

Find Background Info: Gale eBooks

Don't know the first thing about your topic? Need basic info and the history of a controversial issue? Reference sources (like encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks) are a great place to start. Click the link below, and try your topic in the search box.

How to use Opposing Viewpoints in Context


Search tips

  • What's a database? A database contains published information in a way you can search for it. You will mostly use them to search for scholarly journal articles and news or magazine articles.
  • Switch from "basic search" to "advanced search" in any database to search more than one term at once.
  • Search with keywords, not sentences. For example:
    • Don't type in a full sentence: Should we be worried that all of these Internet-connected devices in our homes may be spying on us?
    • Do search by one or two major concepts: "internet of things" and privacy
  • A lot of articles in our databases only show a summary or preview of the article. To only see articles where you can read the whole thing, check the box to limit to full text.
    • In general, if you don't see a checkbox to limit to full text, then the database contains all full text sources (ex. Gale eBooks).

Research is a trial and error process, and librarians are happy to help you brainstorm or find articles! See the box below for ways to get in touch with us.

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