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Business and Accounting Research Guide: Find Books

Books & Media Catalog

Use the online catalog to conduct a keyword search.  Be sure to note:

  • the collection of the item (Books, Reference, etc.)
  • the item's call number
  • whether the item is available or has been checked out
  • if the item is an e-book or Web site, use the embedded link to access it 

Print Resources

The library has many print sources related to business research.  Most have call numbers ranging from HD through HG.  Here are just a couple of examples:

Book of Lists (Baltimore Business Journal)
Ref HF 5068 B2 B6

North American Industry Classification System
Ref HF 1042 N67


These books can be accessed directly. A login is required for off-campus access.

Find out more about accessing books in the ProQuest Ebook Central collection.