Body Kindness presents podcast themes on Body Positivity and Fat Activism.
Food Psych Podcast: Nutritionist Christy Harrison talks about making peace with food, healing from disordered eating, (re)learning intuitive eating, challenging harmful beliefs about wellness, and more—all from a body-positive, anti-diet perspective. Helping you make peace with food and break free from diet culture.
The Body Project was developed by the Women’s Studies Program of Bradley University in cooperation with the University’s Center for Wellness and Department of Sociology. It is a resource for women and men of all ages to increase awareness and acceptance of the human body in all its shapes and sizes.
Fitness without Shame: A Resolution Backed by Science
A new study reveals how motivations for exercise influence health and fitness.
The article, NCAA and Body Shaming Regulations, brings to light the frequency of body shaming in collegiate female sports and the duty of the NCAA to help regulate its occurrence and deter its long term disastrous effects on athletes.
BF 575 S37 T39 2018
RC 628 G674 2020
HQ 1220 U5 S77 2019
GV 199.58 M53 2022
GV 471 U6 P48 2022
PN 4874 W425 A3 2016
RA 781.7 N59 2022