The big picture.... (There is a separate tab with suggestions and links for each of the tour types of resources listed below.)
Depending on your assignment, librarians often recommend using reference tools to get some helpful background on your topic which can also help you focus and and narrow your topic. These may be electronic or print resources.
You may also want to use the book and media catalog to find books that circulate (can be checked out).
Quality, reputable web sites can also provide you with good information.
You may also want to look for articles in periodicals which may have specific or current information on your topic.
Commercial site with access to information and links by artist or category such as women artists. Includes photographers. Excerpts of information fromreliable sources. Lots of images.
Well-organized collection of excellent links. Sites collected by professor of art history at Sweet Briar College. Access by geographic area, time period, and more. Includes non-Western art.