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Physical Therapist Assistant Research Guide: Find Articles


Getting started

To locate magazine or journal articles, do not start with a web search. You might be asked to pay for article retrievals.

Instead, use one of our periodical databases in the next column to do your research. You will need your seven digit ID for off campus searches. Students and staff can also browse a list of all CCC physical therapy journals (print and electronic).

Magazines vs. Journals

Your instructor might require you to find journal articles, not magazine articles. Use the attachment to understand the difference between journals and magazines.

Electronic Resources

Click on the links below to search for articles from periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.) and for information from electronic books. From off campus, you will need to enter your college e-mail address and password. For SCHOLARLY articles, you will be best served by starting with Health Source: Nursing/Academic, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health, or Academic Search Complete.

Print Periodicals

The following journals are available in the Library on the Periodical Shelves. Issues cannot be checked out, but articles can be photocopied.

ACSM'S Health and Fitness Journal

Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

JOSPT (Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy)

Physical Therapy (01/01/2010 - 12/31/2019)


Tutorial - Finding Articles

Use our periodicals tutorial to learn how to search for these resources in our databases.