A Federally funded organization which supports quality early childhood education initiatives. Provides a number of online publications, newsletters, and fact sheets.
Free searchable database of quality resources including research reports, journal articles, books, government documents, etc. provided by a group of well-known non-profit child care organizations and the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
From the North Coast Institute in Australia. Scroll down to the child development and child development theories links. Theorists include Bandura, Freud, Froebel, Kohlberg, Maslow, Montessori, Piaget, Reggio Emilia, Skinner, Steiner, and Vygotsky.
Commercial site has information on stages of development, research, theories of child development, learning styles, brain research, self-esteem, and links to other topics.
Commercial site provides information mainly for parents on such areas as prenatal, normal, intellectual, language, social/emotional, and physical development but also gives links to research topics.