List of movies with dates which have been selected by the National Film Preservation Board to be culturally, historically, or esthetically important. Clicking on the films takes you to a link on the Internet Movie Database for more information.
From the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation; more than 850 interviews with industry professionals; plus industry information of all types
"AFANA's mission is to provide an "archive, resource, and forum for continuing scholarly advancement and public exhibition [of academic films]" as well as historically important films not specifically in the academic genre, including anthropological, ethnographic, and medical subjects.
Movie information includes stills, clips, trailers, plot summary, awards, cast, genre, location, quotes, trivia, etc. Movie lists, trivia, new releases and more.
Includes thousands of feature films; television episodes; cultural, ephemeral & academic films; news, public affairs, arts & musical performances; even videogame footage! Streaming or download material.
Kurt Andersen's public radio program that covers music, movies & TV, Art, Design, Performance, Science & Tech, and Books; archives include shows since 2000.