An activity that encourages participants to identify social identities and reflect on how those identities impact the way others perceive or treat them.
A digital toolbox of resources on topics such as intercultural competence, multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion, social justice, international education, and study abroad.
From the University of Michigan, a collection of techniques that can be added to any STEM classroom to improve the experience of all students and increase the inclusivity of the course.
Intro article for faculty seeking to enrich their inclusive teaching efforts.
Dewsbury, B & Brame, CJ. (2019). Inclusive teaching. CBE Life Sciences Educaction 18(2):fe2. doi:10.1187/cbe.19-01-0021
Self-guided module from Project READY, a course created by librarians for anyone interested in improving their knowledge about race and racism, racial equity, and culturally sustaining pedagogy.