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Communication Research Guide: Images & Videos

A guide to resources for choosing a speech topic, presentation tips, and information sources for speech and interpersonal communication topics.

Free images online

Streaming Videos


How to cite images

In MLA and APA styles, you must cite any image that you did not create yourself. Ask at the Reference Desk for more help.

MLA example:

Creator (if known). Title. [In brackets if made up]. Date. Web Site Title. Web. Access date.
Calley, Marjorie. [Springer Spaniel]. 2009. Dog Breeds. Web. 25 July 2011.

Matisse, Henri. Purple Robe and Anenomes. 1937. The Baltimore Museum of Art. Web. 17 July 2011.

APA example:

Creator of image (if known). (Year). Title [In brackets if made up] [Medium]. Retrieved from URL
Smith, S. (2014). Apollo 11 liftoff [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Biologists taking samples [Image]. (2009). Retrieved from
(Note: This is an example with an unknown creator.)

See also